College of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Xiamen University
Luncheon Seminar #94: China’s anthropogenic nutrients fluxes in freshwater ecosystem and implications for coastal environment
2018/2/21 1679
2018-02-26 2018-2-26 12:00pm-1:00pm
Yan Lin, Dr.
A3-206 Zhou Long Quan Building

Institution】: Norwegian Institute for Water Research (Norway), Norway

Host】: Dalin Shi   【Contact】: SuWei Weng 2183033


Coastal and estuarine water pollution is becoming an increasingly serious global environmental challenge due to input of land derived contamination. Based on the decade long environmental monitoring results in China, we developed a modelling framework to quantify the anthropogenic nutrients fluxes in China’s freshwater ecosystem. Phosphorus releases from anthropogenic sources have shown significant decreases for most part of China, while the different types of sources showed different changing patterns. For nitrogen, temporal nitrogen discharge analysis indicates that the N discharges in the urban have slightly increased due to the increase in population since 2006 except Northeast China, while decreases in N discharges are observed in the rural regions. The dynamic changes of fluvial nutrient loads from land will have significant impacts for the phytoplankton growth and the development of toxic algae for estuarine and subsequent nutrient flux to the coastal zone. 

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