福建省厦门市翔安区翔安南路4221号周隆泉楼 A1-414
Hongmei Chen
Associate Professor
ZhouLongQuan Bldg Rm A1-414, 4221 Xiang'an South Rd, Xiamen City, Fujian, China
Brief CV
- 美国欧道明大学博士(2014)
- 美国橡树岭国家实验室博士后(2015-2017)
- 美国欧道明大学研究助理教授(2018-2020)
- 厦门大学副教授(2020.10- )
- Ph.D, Old Dominion University, Virginia, USA (2014)
- Postdoc, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee, USA (2015-2017)
- Research Assistant Professor, Old Dominion University, USA (2018-2020)
- Associate Professor, Xiamen University (2020.10- )
Research Interests
- 有机地球化学
- 研究天然有机质的生物地球化学行为,包括大洋,近岸海水,河流,以及土壤中有机质的迁移转化,重点研究表层水有机质在阳光直接辐射下的光化学转化和降解,以及暗环境下由铁催化的芬顿反应对水体和土壤有机质的转化
- 研究环境污染物(例如石油泄漏物,微塑料)的光化学和微生物降解途径
- 在分子水平上利用核磁共振,高分辨质谱,气质联用等高等分析手段,研究上述过程中有机质的组成和结构变化
- Organic Geochemistry
- Biogeochemistry of natural organic matter (NOM), occurring in waters and soils; Focusing on photo-transformation and photo-degradation of NOM in surface waters directly under sunlight, and on the Fenton reaction of NOM under dark environments promoted by iron.
- Chemistry of Environmental Pollutants (oil spills, microplastics, etc.), their degradation pathway via photochemical and microbial processing.
- Molecular level characterization of NOM using state-of-the-art analytical techniques, such as NMR, ultrahigh resolution FTICR-MS, and GC x GC MS.
Selected Publications
- Chen, H.; Yang, Z.; Chu, R. K.; Tolić, N.; Liang, L.; Graham D. E.; Wullschleger, S. D.; Gu, B. 2018. Molecular insights into Arctic soil organic matter degradation under warming. Environmental Science & Technology, 52(8), 4555-4564.
- Chen, H.; Johnston, R. C.; Mann, B.; Chu, R. K.; Tolić, N.; Parks, J. M.; Gu, B. 2017. Identification of mercury and dissolved organic matter complexes using ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry. Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 4 (2): 59-65.
- Chen, H.; Abdulla, H. A. N.; Sanders, R. L.; Myneni, S. C. B.; Mopper, K.; Hatcher, P. G. 2014. Production of black carbon-like and aliphatic molecules from terrestrial dissolved organic matter in the presence of sunlight and iron. Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 1(10): 399-404.
- Chen, H.; Stubbins, A.; Perdue, E. M.; Green, N. W.; Helms, J. R.; Mopper, K.; Hatcher, P. G. 2014. Ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometric differentiation of dissolved organic matter isolated by coupled reverse osmosis-electrodialysis from various major oceanic water masses. Marine Chemistry, 164: 48-59.
- Member of Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO, 2008- ), International Humic Substances Society (IHSS, 2010- ), American Geophysical Union (AGU, 2012- ), American Chemical Society (ACS, 2016- ), American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS, 2016- )
- Journal Manuscript Reviews: Analytical Chemistry, Environmental Science & Technology, Frontiers in Marine Science, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Geophysical Research Letters, Limnology & Oceanography, Marine Chemistry, Nature Communications, Organic Geochemistry, Science of the Total Environment, Scientific Reports, etc.
- Grant Proposal Reviews: NSF- Chemical Oceanography; NSF- Geobiology and Low-Temperature Geochemistry; etc.
- Conference Session Organizer: ACS meeting, Fall 2017, Washington, DC, USA