Research Interests
- 渔业系统与全球变化 Fisheries, Aquaculture and Global Change
- 可持续性评估 Sustainability Assessment
- 海洋生态保护与综合管理 Marine Ecological Conservation and Integrated Management
Selected Publications
- Costello C*., Cao L*., Gelcich S*., et al., 2020. The future of food from the sea. Nature, 588(7836), pp.95-100.
- Wang Z., Zeng C. and Cao L*., 2023. Mapping the biodiversity conservation gaps in the East China sea. Journal of Environmental Management, 336, p.117667.
- Crona B.I., Wassénius E., Jonell M., Koehn J.Z., Short R., Tigchelaar M., ….Cao L., et al., 2023. Four ways blue foods can help achieve food system ambitions across nations. Nature.https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-05737-x
- Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, Editor-in-Chief,