Cai Pinghe
Brief CV
- 厦门大学理学博士(1999)
- 厦门大学化学系博士后(1999-2001)
- 厦门大学副教授(2002-2007)
- 厦门大学教授(2007-)
- 美国Woods Hole海洋研究所访问科学家(2004.10-2005.4)
- 德国赫姆霍兹联盟—Alfred Wegener极地与海洋研究所访问科学家、洪堡学者 (2007.6-2007.10;2007.12-2009.1)
- PhD, Xiamen University(1999)
- Post-Doctor, Xiamen University(1999-2001)
- Associate Professor, Xiamen University(2002-2007)
- Professor, Xiamen University(2007-)
- Visiting Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution(2004.10-2005.4)
- Visiting Scientist、Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow, Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (2007.6-2007.10; 2007.12-2009.1)
Research Interests
- 海洋碳循环,铀系同位素地球化学,沉积物-水界面的物质交换 ,早期成岩作用
- ocean carbon cycling, U-series isotopes; solute transfer across the sediment-water interface; early diagenesis
Selected Publications
- Pinghe Cai,Xiangming Shi,Qingquan Hong,Qing Li,Lingfeng Liu,Xianghui Guo,Minhan Dai.(2015):Using 224Ra/228Th disequilibrium to quantify benthic fluxes of dissolved inorganic carbon and nutrients into the Pearl
River Estuary. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 170.188–203.
- Qingquan Hong,Pinghe Cai*,Xiangming Shi,Qing Li,Guizhi Wang.(2016):Solute transport into the Jiulong River estuary via pore
water exchange and submarine groundwater discharge:
New insights from 224Ra/228Th disequilibrium.Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 198, 338–359.
- Pinghe Cai,Xiangming Shi,Williard S. Moore,Shiyun Peng,Guizhi Wang, Minhan Dai.(2014):224Ra:228Th disequilibrium in coastal sediments: Implications for solute transfer across the sediment–water interface. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 125.68–84
- Pinghe Cai, Xiangming Shi,Willard S. Moore,Minhan Dai.(2012):Measurement of 224Ra:228Th disequilibrium in coastal sediments using a delayed coincidence counter. Marine Chemistry 138–139.1–6
- Pinghe Cai*, Lin Wei, Walter Geibert,Dennis Koehler,Ying Ye,Wei Liu,Xiangming Shi(2020):Carbon and nutrient export from intertidal sand systems elucidated by 224Ra/228Th disequilibria, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 274: 302-316.
- Qingquan Hong,Pinghe Cai*, Walter Geibert,Zhimian Cao,Ingrid Stimac,Lingfeng Liu,Qing Li(2018):Benthic fluxes of metals into the pearl river estuary based on 224Ra/228Th disequilibrium: from alkaline earth (Ba) to redox sensitive elements (U, Mn, Fe), Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 237: 223-239.
- Xiangming Shi,Pinghe Cai*,Lin Wei,Qingquan Hong, Lingfeng Liu,Yuning Wang, Xueying Shi,Ying Ye(2019):Large benthic fluxes of dissolved iron in China coastal seas revealed by 224Ra/228Th disequilibria, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 260: 49-60.
- Pinghe Cai*,Qingquan Hong,Shiyun Peng,Daochen Zhao(2021):Cross-shelf export of particulate organic carbon in the northern South China Sea: Insights from a 234Th mass balance, Progress in Oceanography, 193, doi: org/10.1016/j.pocean.2021.102532.
- M. Rutgers van der Loeff, P. Cai,I. Stimac,D. Bauch, C. Hanfland,T. Roeske,and S.B.Moran.(2012):Shelf-basin exchange times of Arctic surface waters estimated from 228Th/228Ra disequilibrium. Journal of Geophysical Research, VOL.117, C03024, doi:10.1029/2011JC007478
- Pinghe Cai,Daochen Zhao,Lei Wang,Bangqin Huang,and Minhan Dai.(2015):Role of particle stock and phytoplankton community structure in regulating particulate organic carbon export in a large marginal sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans.10.1002/2014JC010432
- Cai Pinghe, Rutgers van der Loeff M. M., Stimac I., Noethig,E.-M., Lepore K., Moran S.B. (2010): Low export flux of particulate organic carbon in the central Arctic Ocean as revealed by 234Th:238U disequilibrium. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans 115, C10037. doi:10.1029/2009JC005595.
- Cai Pinghe, Dai Minhan, Lv Dongwei, Chen Weifang. (2008): Reply to comment by Chin-Chang Hung et al. on "How accurate are 234Th measurements in seawater based on the MnO2-impregnated cartridge technique?” Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 9, Q02010, doi:10.1029/2007GC001837.
- Cai Pinghe, Chen Weifang, Dai Minhan, Wan Zhenwen, Wang Dongxiao, Li Qing, Tang TianTian, Lv Dongwei. (2008): A high-resolution study of particle export in the southern South China Sea based on 234Th:238U disequilibrium. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans 113, C04019, doi:10.1029/2007JC004268.
- Cai Pinghe, Dai Minhan, Chen Weifang, Tang Tiantian, Zhou Kuanbo. (2006): On the importance of the decay of 234Th in determining size fractionated C/234Th ratio on marine particles. Geophysical Research Letters 33, L23602, doi:10.1029/2006GL027792.
- Cai Pinghe, Dai Minhan, Lv Dongwei, Chen Weifang. (2006): How accurate are 234Th measurements in seawater based on the MnO2-impregnated cartridge technique? Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 7, Q03020, doi:10.1029/2005GC001104.
- Cai Pinghe, Dai Minhan, Lv Dongwei, Chen Weifang. (2006): An improvement in the small volume technique for determining 234Th in seawater, Marine Chemistry 100, 282-288.
- 国际痕量金属元素和同位素海洋生物地球化学循环研究计划(GEOTRACES)科学指导委员会(SSC)成员
- 中国痕量金属元素和同位素海洋生物地球化学循环研究(C-GEOTRACES)工作组秘书长
Measurement of 224Ra:228Th disequilibrium in coastal sediments using a delayed coincidence counter
Shelf-basin exchange times of Arctic surface waters estimated from 228Th/228Ra disequilibrium
224Ra:228Th disequilibrium in coastal sediments: Implications
for solute transfer across the sediment–water interface
Using 224Ra/228Th disequilibrium to quantify benthic fluxes
of dissolved inorganic carbon and nutrients into the Pearl
River Estuary
Solute transport into the Jiulong River estuary via pore water exchange and submarine groundwater discharge: New insights from 224Ra/228Th disequilibrium
Benthic fluxes of metals into the Pearl River Estuary based on 224Ra/228Th disequilibrium: From alkaline earth (Ba) to redox sensitive elements (U, Mn, Fe)
Large benthic fluxes of dissolved iron in China coastal seas revealed by 224Ra/228Th disequilibria
Carbon and nutrient export from intertidal sand systems elucidated by 224Ra/228Th disequilibria
Cross-shelf export of particulate organic carbon in the northern South China
Sea: Insights from a 234Th mass balance
Role of particle stock and phytoplankton community structure
in regulating particulate organic carbon export in a large
marginal sea