Brief CV
- 厦门大学学士(1998)
- 厦门大学硕士(2001)
- 美国特拉华大学海洋地球与环境学院访问学者(2009-2010)
- 厦门大学助理教授(2001-)
- B.S., Xiamen University (1998)
- M.S., Xiamen University (2001)
- Visiting Scholar, College of Earth,Ocean, and Environment, University of Delaware (2009-2010)
- Assistant Professor, Xiamen University (2001-)
Research Interests
- 水声通信,厦门港中华白海豚声学特性研究
- Sound propagation in underwater environments, marine mammal acoustics, ambient noise impacts on Chinese White Dolphin (Sousa chinensis) in Xiamen harbor
Selected Publications
- Chen Dongsheng, Application of 8th-order continurous-time active filter MAX274 in the underwater acoustic FH communication system, Journal of Xiamen University (Natural Science Edition), 47(2): 178-181 (2008).
- Chen Dongsheng, Tracking of time-varying underwater acoustic channels based on multipath parameter model and hybrid optimization, Journal of Southeast University (Natural Science Edition), 40(3):459-463 (2010).