Lianming ZHENG
Associate Professor
B2-313 Zhou Long Quan Building, Xiangan Campus, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361102, China
Brief CV
- 厦门大学海洋学系,理学学士(2002)
- 厦门大学海洋学系,理学博士(2008)
- 厦门大学海洋生物科学与技术系,助理教授(2008-2014)
- 厦门大学海洋生物科学与技术系,副教授(2014-)
- 美国康涅狄格大学海洋系,访问学者(2012.03-2013.04)
- B.A,Department of Oceanography, Xiamen University, China (2002)
- Ph.D, Department of Oceanography, Xiamen University, China (2008)
- Assistant Professor, Xiamen University, China (2008-2014)
- Associate Professor, Xiamen University,China (2014-)
- Visiting Scholar, Department of Marine Sciences, University of Connecticut (2012.03-2013.04)
Research Interests
- 海洋浮游动物多样性、生态学、分子系统与进化
- Biodiversity, Ecology, and Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Marine Zooplankton
Selected Publications
- ZHENG L M, HE J R, LIN Y S, CAO W Q, ZHANG W J. 16S rRNA is a better choice than COI for DNA barcoding hydrozoans in the coastal waters of China. Acta Oceanologica Sinica,2014, Vol.33, No.4, 55-76.
- ZHANG D N, ZHENG L M, LI W W, LIN H, CAO W Q, FANG L P.Molecular detecting in situ dietary composition of Calanus sinicus in Taiwan Strait.Genome, 2015, Vol.58, No.5, 301.
- HE J R,ZHEGN L M, ZHEGN W J, LIN Y S, CAO W Q. Morphology and molecular analyses of a new Clytia species (Cnidaria Hydrozoa Campanulariidae) from the East China Sea. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 2015, Vol.95, No.2,289-300.
- HE J R, ZHENG L M,ZHANG W J, LIN Y S. Life Cycle Reversal in Aurelia sp.1 (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa). PLoS ONE,2015,10(12): e0145314. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0145314
- ZHOU K L, ZHENG L M, HE J R, LIN Y S, CAO W Q, ZHANG W J. Detection of a new Clytia species (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa: Campanulariidae) with DNA barcoding and life cycle analyses. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom,2013,Vol.93, NO.8, 2075-2088.
- 实用新型专利:杨位迪;陈思钥;王雨薇;许莹海;王宇杰;郑连明. 一种水生生物样品拍摄背景装置。2015,专利号:ZL 2014 2 0754011.4
- 实用新型专利:杨位迪;王宇杰;康鑫;郑连明;曾鹤帆;王琼. 一种放大显微图像拍摄装置。2015,专利号:ZL 2014 2 0752372
- 本科生课程:1. 国家精品课程:《海洋浮游生物学》(与郭东晖合讲)、《海洋浮游生物学实验课》(与郭东晖合讲)
2. 省精品课程:《海洋生态学》
- 研究生课程:《高级浮游生物学》(与郭东晖、张文静合讲)
- Undergraduate Course: 1. Marine Planktology (with Dr. Donghui Guo).
2. Experiments of Marine Planktology (with Dr.Donghui Guo).
3. Marine Ecology.
- Graduate Course: Advanced Marine Planktology (with Dr.Donghui Guo & Dr. Wenjing Zhang)
- 何劲儒(硕士,2011.09-2014.07):中国近海水螅水母DNA条形码研究及四叶小舌水母线粒体基因组研究。
- 张铛妮(硕士,2012.09-2015.07):海洋桡足类现场摄食的分子检测。
- 李伟巍(硕士,2014.09-):长江口海洋浮游动物多样性研究。
- 叶燕茹(硕士,2015.09-):福建近海鱼类浮游生物DNA条形码与生物多样性研究
- 林 华(硕士,2016.09-):全球变化下台湾海峡小型水母种群数量变动机制研究
- Mr. Jinru He (MSc, 2011.09-2014.07): Studies on DNA barcoding hydromedusae of China coatal waters and analysis of Liriope tetraphylla mitochondrial genome.
- Ms. Dangni Zhang (MSc, 2012.09-): PCR-based in situ dietary analysis of marine copepods.
- Mr. Weiwei Li (MSc. 2014.09-): Marine zooplankton diversity in Yangtze Estuary.
- Ms. Yanru Ye (MSc. 2015.09-): DNA Barcoding and biodiversity of Ichthyoplankton in the coastal water of Fujian.
- Mr. Hua Lin (MSc. 2016.09-): Study on the mechanism of population dynamics of small Jellyfish in Taiwan Strait under gobal change
- DNA Barcoding and Molecular Phylogeny Research for Hydromedusae in China Sea. NSFC-Young Scientists, CNY210K, 2011.01-2013.12. PI.
- Ichthyoplankton Biodiversity Research Based on DNA Barcoding and Microarray. NSF-Fujian-Young Scientists, CNY30K, 2011.04-2014.04. PI.
- Molecular Identification and Cryptic Diversity Research for Marine Medusae. FRFCU, 300K, 2010.10-2013.09. PI.
- Molecular Taxonomy of Marine Plankton and Application Demonstration. OPWSRP sub-project, CNY205K, 2010.07-2014.06. co-PI (PI:Prof. Bangqing Huang, XMU)
- DNA Barcoding and Biodiversity of Ichthyoplankton in the Coastal Water of Fujian. NSF-Fujian, CNY40K, 2016.04-2019.04. PI.
- Study on the Mechanism of Population Dynamics of Small Jellyfish in Taiwan Strait under Gobal Change. NSFC-General Program, CNY850K, 2017.01-2020.12. PI.
海洋浮游生物学实验室 Marine Planktology Lab
Jinru He; *Lianming zheng; Wenjing Zhang; Yuanshao Lin; Wenqing Cao, Morphology and molecular analyses of a new Clytia species (Cnidaria Hydrozoa Campanulariidae) from the East China Sea, Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 95(2),pp289-300, 2015/3.
张珰妮;*郑连明;何劲儒;张文静;林元烧;李阳, 2015, 基于线粒体COI和16S片段序列的北部湾北部水螅水母DNA条形码分析, 生物多样性, 23(10), 50-66
ZHANG D N, ZHENG L M*, LI W W, LIN H, CAO W Q, FANG L P.Molecular detecting in situ dietary composition of Calanus sinicus in Taiwan Strait.Genome, 2015, Vol.58, No.5, 301.
Lianming Zheng, Weiwei Li, Hua Lin, Lvping Fang, and Wenqing Cao. Molecular and morphological evidence for underestimated biodiversity of Clytia (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) in the China Sea,with description of three new species.2015, Genome, Vol.58, No.5, 301
Jinru He, Lianming Zheng*, Wenjing Zhang, Yuanshao Lin. Life Cycle Reversal in Aurelia sp.1 (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa). PLoS ONE,2015,10(12): e0145314. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0145314
林森杰;王路;郑连明;董云伟;柳淑芳;丁少雄;叶乃好;曹文清;庄志猛, 2014, 海洋生物DNA条形码研究现状与展望, 海洋学报(中文版), 36(12), 1-17
Zhang, Wenjing; Lin, Yuanshao; He, Congyi; Cao, Wenqing; Huang, Jiaqi; Zheng, Lianming; Yang, Weidi; Wang, Yujie, Hyperiid amphipod communities and the seasonal distribution of water masses in eastern Beibu Gulf, South China Sea, Aquatic Biology, 20(3), pp 209-217, 2014.
郑挺; 林元烧; 曹文清; 张文静; 郑连明; 王宇杰; 杨位迪, 北部湾北部生态系统结构与功能研究VI:浮游动物空间生态位及其分化 , 生态学报, 34(13), pp 1-22, 2014.
Lianming zheng; Jinru He; Yuanshao Lin; Wenqing Cao; Wenjing Zhang, 16S rRNA is a better choice than COI for DNA barcoding hydrozoans in the coastal waters of China, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 33(4), pp 55-76, 2014/4.
郑白雯; 曹文清; 林元烧; 郑连明; 张文静; 杨位迪; 王宇杰, 北部湾北部生态系统结构与功能研究Ⅱ.浮游动物数量分布及优势种, 海洋学报(中文版), 36(04), pp 82-90, 2014/4/15.
陈颖涵; 林元烧; 郑连明; 曹文清, 北部湾北部生态系统结构与功能研究IV:水母类群集结构与数量分布, 生态学报, 2014/5.
Wang, Yibo; *Zhang, Wenjing; Lin, Yuanshao; Cao, Wenqing; Zheng, Lianming; Yang, Jun, Phosphorus, Nitrogen and Chlorophyll-a Are Significant Factors Controlling Ciliate Communities in Summer in the Northern Beibu Gulf, South China Sea, PLos One, 9(7), 2014/7/2.
Wang, Yibo; *Zhang, Wenjing; Lin, Yuanshao; Zheng, Lianming; Cao, Wenqing; Yang, Jun, Spatial and seasonal variations of large tintinnid ciliates in Shenhu Bay of China, Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies, 43(3), pp 292-302, 2014/9.
郑白雯; 曹文清; 林元烧; 郑连明; 张文静; 杨位迪; 王宇杰, 北部湾北部生态系统结构与功能研究Ⅰ.浮游动物种类组成及其时空变化, 海洋学报(中文版), 35(06), pp 154-161, 2013/11/15.
Wang, Yibo; *Zhang, Wenjing; Lin, Yuanshao; Zheng, Lianming; Cao, Wenqing; Yang, Jun, Spatial pattern of the planktonic ciliate community and its relationship with the environment in spring in the northern Beibu Gulf, South China Sea, Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies, 42(4), pp 470-479, 2013/12.
Konglin Zhou; *Lianming zheng; Jinru He; Yuanshao Lin; Wenqing Cao; Wenjing Zhang, Detection of a new Clytia species (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa: Campanulariidae) with DNA barcoding and life cycle analyses, Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 93(8), pp 2075-2088, 2013/12.
Zhou Meiyu; *Lin Yuanshao; Yang Shengyun; Cao Wenqing; Zheng Lianming, Composition and ecological distribution of ichthyoplankton in eastern Beibu Gulf, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 30(1), pp 94-105, 2011/1.
刘育莎; 林元烧; 郑连明; 曹文清, 福建省三沙湾饵料浮游动物生态特征研究, 厦门大学学报(自然科学版), 01期, 2010/1/15.
Zheng Lianming; Lin Yuanshao; Li Shaojing; Cao Wenqing; Xu Zhenzu; Huang Jiaqi, Aequorea taiwanensis n. sp (Hydrozoa, Leptomedusae) and mtCOI sequence analysis for the genus Aequorea, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 28(1), pp 109-115, 2009.
郑连明; 林元烧; 李少菁; 曹文清; 许振祖; 黄加祺, 台湾海峡多管水母属——新种及基于线粒体COI序列分析鉴定多管水母, 海洋学报(中文版), 04期, 2008/7/15.