Weiwei YOU
Room A3-212 Zhou Longquan Building, South Xiang’ an Road, Xiang’ an District, Xiamen, China
Brief CV
- 厦门大学理学博士(2009)
- 厦门大学助理教授(2010-)
- 厦门大学副教授(2013- )
- 美国南加州大学访问学者 (2014-2015)
- 厦门大学教授、博导(2019- )
- Ph.D, Xiamen University (2009)
- Assistant Professor, Xiamen University (2010- 2013)
- Associate Professor, Xiamen University (2013- )
- Visiting Scholar, University of Southern California (2014-2015)
- Professor, Xiamen University (2019- )
Research Interests
- 贝类基因组学与遗传育种,海洋贝类对全球变化的响应
- Genomics and genetic breeding on shellfish;Adaptation mechanism for shellfish aquaculture to multiple climate change stressors
Selected Publications
- Shen YW, Zhang Y, Xia QZ, Gan Y, Wang Y, Pang GW, Huang ZK, Yu F, Luo X, Ke CH, You WW*. Distinct metabolic shifts occur during the transition between normoxia and hypoxia in the hybrid and its maternal abalone. Science of the Total Environment 2021, 794:148698.
- You WW, Hedgecock D. Boom-and-bust production cycles in animal seafood aquaculture. Reviews in Aquaculture 2019, 11(4): 1045-1060.
- Huang ZK, Huang WL, Liu XL, Han ZF, Liu GJ, Boamah GA, Wang Y, Yu F, Gan Y, Xiao QZ, Luo X, Chen N, Liu M, You WW*, Ke CH*. Genomic insights into the adaptation and evolution of the Nautilus, an ancient but evolving “living fossil". Molecular Ecology Resources 2021
- Chen N, Huang ZK, Lu CK, Shen YW, Luo X, Ke CH, You WW*. Different transcriptomic responses to thermal stress in heat-tolerant and heat-sensitive Pacific abalones indicating by cardiac performance. Frontiers in Physiology 2019 ,9:1895.
- Wu YD, Shi B, Zhou L, Dong CY, You WW*, Ke CH. Heritability estimates for copper/zinc accumulation capabilities and correlation with growth/quality traits in the Fujian oyster, Crassostrea angulate. Aquaculture 2019, 499: 212-219.
- Huang JF, Luo X, Huang MQ, Liu GM, You WW*, Ke CH. Identification and characteristics of muscle growth-related microRNA in the Pacific abalone, Haliotis discus hannai. BMC Genomics 2018, 19: 915.
- Di GL, Kong XH, Miao XL, Zhang YF, Huang MQ, Gu YT, You WW*, Zhang JX, Ke CH. Proteomic analysis of trochophore and veliger larvae development in the small abalone Haliotis diversicolor. BMC Genomics 2017, 18: 809.
- You WW, Guo Q, Fan FL, Ren P, Luo X, Ke CH. Experimental hybridization and genetic identification of Pacific abalone Haliotis discus hannai and green abalone H. fulgens. Aquaculture 2015, 448: 243-249.
- Secretary, International Abalone Society (2015- )
- Technical Advisory Board, Aquaculture Stewardship Council (2019- )
- Board of Direct, International Association of Fish Inspectors (2019- )
- Editorial Board, Scientific Reports (2019- )
- Topic Editor, Frontiers in Marine Sciences (2021- )
本科生: 海洋生物育种技术