College of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Xiamen University
2015/7/7 13408 back
Name Title/Position Research Area
Minhan DAI Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences Coastal ocean carbon cycle, biogeochemistry of trace metals, geochemical studies of colloidal materials in the transport of trace metals and radionuclide in surface and ground waters
Nianzhi JIAO Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences Microbial ecology, picoplankton, biological oceanography
Shuh-Ji KAO Professor Biogeochemistry of suspended particulate matter and sediments in aquatic environment; application of C, N, H, O isotopes in understanding the hydrology, ecosystem and nutrient dynamics; typhoon effects on watershed systems
Zhongping LEE
Xiangyang LIU Professor
Min CHEN XMU Chair Professor Isotopic oceanography, bioavailability of major nutrients and trace metals
Hongyue DANG XMU Chair Professor Marine microbiology, molecular ecology, biogeochemistry, biogenic element cycling, biofilm, biocorrosion
Anmin DUAN XMU Chair Professor Climate dynamics, Climate change, Asian monsoon, Land-air-sea Interaction
Kunshan GAO Minjiang Chair Professor Physiological ecology and photobiology of cyanobacteria, micro- and macro-algae, with special reference to the interactive effects of CO2 and solar UV radiation on aquatic primary producers
Caihuan KE XMU Chair Professor Marine biotechnology, marine benthic ecology, larval biology, aquaculture, marine ecotoxicology
Dalin SHI XMU Chair Professor Role of trace metals in marine biogeochemical cycles of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus; Physiological and ecological response of marine phytoplankton to global change; Marine ecotoxicology of heavy metals and organic pollutants
Kejian WANG Minjiang Chair Professor Environmental molecular toxicology, marine molecular biology, marine functional genomics and proteomics, biotechnology
Shanlin WANG Minjiang Chair Professor Marine ecosystems and biogeochemical cycle modeling; the coupling of biogeochemical cycles among various components in Earth system models and its impacts; response and feedback of marine ecosystems to climate change
Peng XU Minjiang Chair Professor Fish Genomics and Genetics, Genomassistant Breeding and Selection, Population Genetics and Evolution Genomics, Genetic Mechanism of Adaptive Evolution
Huijie XUE XMU Chair Professor
Yao ZHANG XMU Chair Professor Microbial Oceanography; Marine Microbial Ecology; Nitrogen cycle; Carbon cycle
Yu ZHANG XMU Chair Professor Ocean acoustics, nonlinear dynamics, physical acoustics, chaos communication, biomechanical engineering, digital signal processing
Stephan Steinke Professor Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoceanography, Micropalaeontology, Marine Sedimentology
Minggang CAI Professor Marine persistent organic pollutants chemistry, marine environmental chemistry and marine resource chemistry
Pinghe CAI Professor Isotopic marine chemistry, ocean carbon cycling
Yihua CAI Professor Aquatic biogeochemistry of organic matter, nutrients and trace elements
Zhimian CAO Professor Nontraditional stable isotope geochemistry,Ocean carbon cycling
Jun CHEN Professor Transcriptom and molecular genetics of marine organism
Mingru CHEN Professor Marine fish biology and marine fishery resources protection,marine ecosystem management
Ming CHEN Professor Marine bio-pharmaceutics,Marine cosmetics,Marine bio-materials
Shixi CHEN Professor Molecular mechanisms of steroid action, mechanisms of endocrine disruption, fish developmental genetics
Peng CHENG Professor Sediment Dynamics,Estuarine and Coastal Dynamics,Ocean Numerical Modeling
Shaoxiong DING Professor Systematics and evolutionary biology in marine fish, Marine resources and conservation, Reproductive biology in fish
Danqing FENG Professor Marine fouling organisms; Marine environmentally-friendly antifouling technology; Natural bioactive compounds
Weidong GUO Professor Marine biogeochemistry and estuarine chemistry
Zhanrong GUO Professor Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD)
Jianyu HU Professor Physical oceanography and regional environmental oceanography, focusing on the study of oceanic circulation, upwelling, oceanic fronts and tides
Yuwu JIANG Professor Marine hydrodynamic numerical model, the application of geographic information system
Huaiyan LEI Professor Continental geology, resources, and environmental impact, marine environmental engineering R&D, dynamic process of marine environment, natural gas hydrate research
Chunyuan LI Professor Isotopic geochemistry, particulate composition and the variation of POC flux
Feili LI Professor Ocean circulation and dynamics , Overturning circulation and its climatic impact, Heat and freshwater transports, Ocean observing system
Jianghui LI Professor
Xiaolin LI Professor Environmental organic chemistry, marine biogeochemistry, analytical chemistry
Haipeng LIU Professor Molecular biology in marine animals
Min LIU Professor Biology of hermaphroditic fishes, biodiversity and conservation of reef fishes, biodiversity and conservation of sciaenids (Sciaenidae)
Shengxing LIU Professor Ocean Acoustics, Underwater Acoustic Communications, Transducers, Embedded Applications
Tao LIU Professor seaweed genetics, seaweed breeding, seaweed biodiversity
Zhiyu LIU Professor Ocean turbulence and mixing, internal waves, stability of stratified shear flows, physical oceanography of coastal & shelf seas, upper ocean dynamics
Kewei Lyu Professor Sea Level Change; Decadal Climate Variability; Southern Ocean Dynamics; Ocean and Climate Modelling
Yong MAO Senior Research Specialist Genetic Breeding and MariculturalDiseases Controlling of Marine Fishes and Shrimps
Shaoling SHANG Professor Satellite oceanography, bio-optics
Shaoping SHANG Professor Numerical modeling and remote sensing of marine environment, marine information technology
Kai TANG Professor Marine microbiology, bioinformatics
Liguo TANG Professor Marine structure Health monitoring; Oceanic acoustics;Characterization and application of advanced piezoelectric materials
Feng TONG Professor Underwater acoustic communication, underwater acoustic network, acoustic signal processing, acoustic nondestructive test
Bingbing Wang Professor Atmospheric Chemistry, Aerosols, Aerosol-Cloud Interactions, Air-Sea Interactions
Deli WANG Professor Effects of biogenic elements on the growth and metabolism of marine phytoplankton in coastal waters, transformation and speciation of trace metals in seawater and their biological significance
Guizhi WANG Professor Biogeochemical cycles in the ocean and sediments, effects of submarine groundwater discharge on coastal ocean biogeochemistry
Haili WANG Senior Research Specialist Ocean observation technology, optical oceanography, ocean color biology.
Weilei WANG Professor Global scale biogeochemical cycles of carbon, nitrogen and tracer gases
Dapeng XU Professor Biodiversity of protists and its roles in the carbon cycling in the ocean
Xiaomei XU Professor Underwater acoustic communication, acoustic characteristics of shallow-water, fading multipath channels, underwater acoustic signal processing
Weifeng YANG Professor Isotopic oceanography, marine biogeochemistry
Xiaoyi YANG Professor Large-scale ocean-atmosphere interaction, global climate change
Weiwei YOU Professor Shellfish genetic breeding
Rui ZHANG Professor Marine microbial ecology (bacteria and viruses)
Run ZHANG Professor Isotope oceanography
Wenjing ZHANG Professor Microeukaryotic Molecular Ecology; Protozoology; Molecular and Environmental Planktology.
Wenzhou ZHANG Professor Physical oceanography, ocean modeling, air-sea interaction, ocean response to typhoons
Jing ZHAO Professor Elucidating the role and function of symbiotic bacteria in growth, nutrition and defense of marine invertebrates, in particular, sponges. Culturing previously uncultured symbiotic bacteria (Actinobacteria) and inducing silent gene clusters related to secondary metabolic products, and discovering novel bioactive compounds and studying their roles in marine invertebrates.
Hantao ZHOU Professor Genetic diversity and conservation of coastal organisms, functional genes, function of organic active material from coastal organisms, ecological remediation of mangroves
Sijia Zou Professor Large-mesoscale Ocean Dynamics, Deep Ocean Circulation, Lagrangian Methods, Water Mass Analysis

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