College of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Xiamen University
Associate Professors
2015/7/7 3465 back
Name Title/Position Research Area
Chunxiang AI Associate Professor Aquatic animal nutrition and feed, marine microbiology and environmental toxicology
Xiaolin BAI Associate Professor Nonlinear Internal Waves; Multiscale Interactions & Energy Transfer; Physical-Biological Coupling Process
Bao Hongyan Associate Professor Molecular level characterization of dissolved organic matter, utlizing ultrahigh resolution mass spectrumetry and molecular markers to trace the sources, transport and transform of different organic matter in aquatic environment
Bicheng Chen Associate Professor Boundary Layer Meteorology,Atmospheric and Oceanic Turbulence,Pollutant Transport and Dispersion,Large-Eddy Simulation
Fangyi CHEN Associate Professor Molecular biology and immunology of marine animals
Hongmei Chen Associate Professor Organic Geochemistry
Xuelei CHEN Associate Professor Behavioral ecology of marine crustacean
Yougan CHEN Associate Professor Underwater Acoustic Communications,Cooperative Communications and Networking, Application of AI Algorithm in Underwater Acoustic Networks,Big Data in Underwater Acoustic Communications
Zhigang CHEN Associate Professor Tracing the source and cycling of phosphorus, paleotemperature and paleoclimate by the oxygen isotope composition of phosphate
Qiang DENG Associate Professor Numerial models of the atmosphere and ocean
Yongzhi DENG Associate Professor mairne organic chemistry, marine environmental mornitoring
Guang Gao Associate Professor Seaweed Physiology and Ecology; Environmental Bioremediation Using Algae
Donghui GUO Associate Professor Marine planktology
Xianghui GUO Associate Professor CO2 flux in rivers, estuaries, oceans and controlling mechanisms; biogeochemistry of carbon and nutrients in coastal oceans, rivers, and estuaries
Zhigang HE Associate Professor Circulation in the South China Sea and its adjacent region
Jun Hu Associate Professor Paleoclimate modeling and analysis, climate dynamics, large-scale air-land-sea interaction, stable water isotope physics
Huiyang HUANG Associate Professor Crustacean reproductive endocrinology and neuroendocrinology
Yongxiang HUANG Associate Professor Statistical theory of turbulence and its applications in ocean turbulence, bacterial/active turbulence, etc, nonlinear and nonstationary time series analysis and their applications
Xing JIAN Associate Professor Sedimentary Geology and Geochemistry; Land-Ocean interactions; Tectonics-Climate-Sedimentation relations
Selvaraj KANDSANY Associate Professor Geochemistry, marine geology, palaeoclimatology, Paleoceanography
Chao LI Associate Professor Marine environment evolvement, palynology and algology, marine sedimentology, paleoceanography
Hongyang Lin Associate Professor
Xin LIN Associate Professor Ecological processes of the plankton,Phytoplankton molecular physiology and ecology
Xin LIN Associate Professor Molecular biology of algae
Yawei LUO Associate Professor marine ecosystem modeling,Data synthesis and the integration of the two through data assimilation
Weiran PAN Associate Professor Marine dynamics and coastal engineering hydraulics
Mingjia SHANGGUAN Associate Professor Ocean lidars
Yuan SHEN Associate Professor Marine carbon cycle & sequestration; Arctic biogeochemistry; Surface ocean history reconstruction using deep-sea proteinaceous corals and amino acid enantiomers and stable isotopes
Tiantian TANG Associate Professor Organic geochemistry, molecular biogeochemistry
Lisheng WU Associate Professor Marine zooplanktonic physiology and ecology
Kunming XU Associate Professor Marine microelectrodes and sensors, sediment diagenesis, marine biofouling and corrosion, atomic structure and cellular model
Fengling YU Associate Professor Quaternary Environmental Changes, with a particular focus on the past and future land-ocean interactions:driving mechanisms and coastal responses
Caiyun ZHANG Associate Professor Application of marine remote sensing, physical-biological interactions, climate-ocean variability and ecosystem response
Yurui Zhang Associate Professor Paleoceanography & paleoclimatology
Lianming ZHENG Associate Professor Biodiversity, Ecology, and Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Marine Zooplankton
Qiang Zheng Associate Professor Physiology and molecular ecology of marine phototrophic microbes.
Kuanbo Zhou Associate Professor Export fluxes of key elements (e.g. C/N/P/Si) and their coupling/decoupling,Marine radiochemistry focusing on Uranium-Thorium Series,Biogeochemical response on marine mesoscale and submesoscale processes,Trace metal biogeochemistry
Tao ZHOU Associate Professor Fish Genomics and Genetics, Genome-assistant Breeding and Selection, Population Genetics and Developmental Genetics
Yuehai ZHOU Associate Professor Underwater acoustic communication, underwater acoustic networking, compressed sensing,research and development on underwater acoustic device, Artificial Intelligence.
Wei ZHUANG Associate Professor ocean circulation and sea level changes, eddy variability and dynamics

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